Some symptoms of magnesium deficiency are irritability and belligerence [1].
Another symptom of magnesium deficiency is depression [2]. Depression is a mood disorder that can lead to suicide [3]. The activity of serotonin receptors is affected by changes in magnesium levels [4,5,6,7,8]. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary says that serotonin is a potent vasoconstrictor and is thought to be involved in neural mechanisms important in sleep and sensory perception. A relationship between migraine and magnesium has been established [9]. There is also a connection between migraine and major depression [4]. It has also been found that magnesium relieves the depression of premenstrual syndrome by changing serotonin activity [10].
This suggests that part of the high rate of violent crime could be mitigated by ending the magnesium deficiencies that have been imposed as a result of the FDA's approval of magnesium-deficient water, magnesium-deficient white flour products such as white bread and buns, and cola drinks which cause loss of Mg due to phosphates contained in cola drinks, and high-fat diets which combine with Mg in the digestive tract forming useless magnesium soaps which are excreted. Thus, All-American meals of hot-dogs or hamburgers on magnesium-deficient buns, accompanied by greasy fries, and washed down with colas, may eventually lead to Mg-deficiency, reductions in serotonin, and increases in violence.
A connection between magnesium deficiency and suicide has been found. In a study of suicide statistics, French scientist M. L. Robinet discovered that:
The comparison of geological maps and statistics establishes in a striking manner the influence of the magnesium content of the soil on the number of suicides...It is evident that one doesn't commit suicide because the soil is poor in magnesium. But, those who regularly absorbed a good amount of magnesium salts have a more stable equilibrium, they support adversity with more calm and do not renounce everything to avoid some sorrow...The use of magnesium permits one to support adversity with more serenity.
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
1. Davis, Adelle. Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York. 1970.
2. Bricklin, Mark. New respect for nutritional healing. (Editorial). v44, Prevention. Feb 1992.
3. Mondimore, Francis Mark. Depression, The Mood Disorder. The John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. 1990.
4. Breslau, N.; Davis, G. C. Migraine, physical health and psychiatric disorder: a prospective epidemiologic study in young adults. J Psychiatr Res. 1993 Apr-Jun.
5. Swanson, Don R. Migraine and magnesium: eleven neglected connections, Perspectives in biology and medicine. 1988 Summer.
6. Mauskop, A.; Altura, B. T.; Cracco, R. Q.; Altura, B. M. Deficiency in serum ionized magnesium but not ICa 2/IMg 2 total in patients with migraines. Possible role of ratio. Headache. 1993 March.
7. Gallai, Virgilio; Sarchielli, Paola; Morucci, Piero; Abbritti, Giuseppe. Red blood cell magnesium levels in migraine patients. Cephalagia. 1993.
8. Gallai, Virgilio; Sarchielli, Paola; Coata, Giuliana; Firenze, Caterina; Morucci, Piero; Abbritti, Giuseppe. Serum and salivary magnesium levels in migraine. Results in a group of juvenile patients, Headache. 1992 March.
9. Facchinetti, Fabio; Sances, Grazia; Borella, Paola; Genazzani, Andrea R.; Nappi, Giuseppe. Magnesium prophylaxis of menstrual migraine: effects on intracellular magnesium, Headache. 1991 May.
10. Facchinetti, Fabio; Borella, Paola; Sances, Grazia; Fioroni, Loredana; Nappi, Rossella E; Genazzani, Andrea R. Oral magnesium successfully relieves premenstrual mood changes, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1991 August.
This page was first uploaded to The Magnesium Web Site on November 20, 1998