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The Benefits of Natural Calm
(Magnesium Powder)

Natural Calm (magnesium powder) helps calcium supplements work much better. It also helps the assimilation of potassium.

Natural Calm (magnesium powder) was found effective with the following conditions:

Insomnia or Restless Sleep
Sleep - Wake up Tired
Back Pain
Stiff and Aching Muscles
Bones continue to go out of Alignment
Migraine Headaches
Cluster Headaches
Weakness - Hypoglycemia
High Blood Pressure
Heart Condition
Kidney Stones
Accelerated Aging
Heart Attack History
Irregular Heartbeat
Aggressive Behavior
Attention Deficit Disorder
Chronic Fatigue
Jump at Sudden Sounds
High-strung, Jittery
Muscle Weakness
Muscle Tics or Twitches
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Spasms or Quivers
Pregnancy-related Symptoms
Angina Pectoris
(Sharp Chest Pains and a feeling of being Suffocated)

Exhausted from Physical Work or Exercise
Fading Memory, Senility
Leg Cramps

Aggressive Behavior

Magnesium deprivation induced interspecific aggressive behaviour in rats undoubtedly attributable to magnesium deficiency since magnesium chloride, by correcting magnesium deficiency, suppressed it.(Bac, P., et al.)


Angina (chest pains) is caused by a spasm in coronary arteries (the arteries that supply blood to the heart). This spasm is caused by magnesium deficiency and water-soluble magnesium is highly beneficial for this condition.


Sherry Rogers, M.D., in International Medicine World Report in 1992, estimated that 80 percent of the population is deficient in magnesium. Rogers went on to say that magnesium deficiency is prevalent in psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, agitation and panic attacks.


Asthma is a condition where the bronchial passages go into spasm and interfere with normal breathing. Magnesium comes to the rescue by relaxing the bronchial muscles. Studies have shown that intravenous magnesium administered to asthmatics resulted in rapid improvement in shortness of breath and wheezing. Often it stopped an attack cold. Magnesium seems to make a major difference for asthmatics. The drinkable form is the next best thing and will assimilate very quickly, especially if drunk hot. Magnesium's ability to stop asthma attacks proves its vital role as an essential nutrient for asthmatics.

Backaches, Back Pain

Magnesium can relieve back pain in several different ways. (1) Magnesium helps kidney function. Kidney stress is one of the causes of back pain. (2) Magnesium helps relax the muscles. Muscle tension is another reason for back problems. Magnesium also helps the assimilation of calcium, which could allow bones to heal themselves.

Bone Alignment, Bones going out of Alignment

When magnesium is too low, this will cause the nervous system to be out of balance. This, in turn, will keep muscles tight and prevent them from staying in a relaxed condition. Magnesium restores balance to the nerves as well as the muscles, and thus makes it possible for chiropractic adjustments to last longer and be more effective.


Magnesium is very helpful in providing relief from constipation. High amounts of magnesium have always been found to bring relief. In fact, the only time when water-soluble magnesium didn't relieve this condition was when not enough of it was taken. Constipation, of course, beyond its emergency address, should eventually be traced back to its underlying causes and handled accordingly. Yet magnesium is the one quick solution that never fails to work when immediate relief is needed.

Depression & Adrenal Function

Cortisol is one of the main hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol plays a key role in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Stressful conditions, however, cause the adrenals to overproduce cortisol, and when the adrenals are pushed into a relentless production of cortisol, they end up in a stressed condition. Once the adrenals become overworked and stressed, the body's ability to retain magnesium drops down, as reflected in a greater loss of magnesium through urinary excretion. For this reason, people with exhausted adrenals will often require more magnesium to maintain inner balance. Magnesium is also needed by the adrenals as a basic building block for the manufacturing of hormones.

Since stressed adrenals are often a forerunner of depression and mood disorders, anything which supports adrenal function will help these conditions. Because magnesium supports adrenal function, it can and was indeed found to have an antidepressant effect. While further steps may be required to fully alleviate depressive states, magnesium's role in balancing the body is vital and it has been proven to greatly enhance the effect of other nutrients consumed and/or other steps undertaken.

Without sufficient magnesium one cannot keep the adrenals in balance, and a loss of this balance can result in diabetes, hyper-excitability, nervousness, mental confusion and difficulty coping with simple day-to-day problems. Depressed and suicidal people often display inadequate levels of magnesium.


Insulin is the hormone which helps with the regulation of glucose (sugar) metabolism. Magnesium has been found to improve insulin's response to dietary sugar, and improve the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels. Magnesium deficiency seems to be extremely common amongst diabetics, which makes it very important for them to supplement. One of the reasons for this condition is the great amounts of magnesium lost through urine by diabetics. Studies have shown that people with heightened magnesium levels were better able to metabolize glucose. While magnesium will not by itself entirely normalize a major disorder such as diabetes, it is still a vital nutrient for the diabetic. Lack of magnesium can make diabetes worse, and produce a host of other unnecessary symptoms.


When we say energy, we usually mean the total energy produced by the body. Each cell in the body is engaged in its own energy production process, and the total energy produced by all our cells adds up to our total body energy. Magnesium plays a key role in the energy process within each individual cell. When not enough magnesium is available, energy production is inhibited, and the eventual outcome is fatigue and weakness. Magnesium is vital for the maintenance of adequate energy levels. Magnesium also helps in the storage of energy used by the cells. Without it you will again feel tired. This is one of the causes of fatigue and chronic fatigue, and these will often clear up on taking the magnesium drink.

Magnesium (in the right amount and form) can provide vital help for cases of chronic fatigue, as its presence in the body will make it possible for some basic processes to properly occur, which will, in turn, enable the body to remedy other nutritional imbalances. One of these key processes is the regulation of potassium. When magnesium is lacking, potassium will be rapidly lost from the body, causing fatigue, heat exhaustion and weakness.

Without adequate magnesium available, the cells will be unable to breathe properly and maintain the cycle of life, and, as a result, they will start weakening and decaying, embarking upon a cycle of cellular death.

Moreover, considering the role played by the adrenal glands in the maintenance of proper energy levels, along with the importance of magnesium in supporting the adrenal glands, we can see at once that magnesium affects and regulates energy levels in more ways than one. Always ensure sufficient magnesium intake occurs when attempting to repair energy disorders.


Fibromyalgia is common mostly amongst women. It is characterized by fatigue and muscle pain throughout the body. It is sometimes accompanied by sleep disturbances, headaches and other symptoms. Magnesium is the most important mineral needed by people with fibromyalgia, and coupled with malic acid, it greatly helps in relieving this condition. While most malic acid products come with magnesium, a magnesium drink will often also be necessary for superior and more stable results.

Heart Attacks

Magnesium deficiency appears to be causing 215,000 fatal heart attacks in the U.S. each year, and as many as 20,000,000 fatal heart attacks worldwide. Indeed, the cost of magnesium ignorance is frequently fatal, and yet such ravaging results can be prevented.

The heart is a muscle. It follows the same rules as any other muscle, except the results are more dramatic and life extinguishing. Calcium and magnesium control the heartbeat. Calcium tenses the heart muscle; magnesium relaxes the heart muscle. The heart's pumping motion is the alternating of this tensing and relaxing action. With a correct balance of calcium and magnesium, the heart beats in a consistent manner. With a deficiency of magnesium the heartbeat becomes inconsistent. It beats too fast or too slow or it races. This is a sign of magnesium deficiency. Handle the deficiency and the heartbeat returns to normal. Nothing else needs to be done. Just take magnesium. You don t have to know any more than that. Racing heart, take magnesium. Heartbeat not normal, take magnesium.

Now we get to the serious part. A muscle can go into a spasm. It can go stiff and cramp. The heart muscle can do the same. When it does, the spasm or cramp will cause the heart to stop beating for a second, called a mild heart attack, or to tense up and lock causing the heart to stop beating completely, resulting in death. Then we say the person died of natural causes; he had a heart attack. No, he died of unnatural causes: ignorance and stupidity. He died of a magnesium deficiency.

Any sign of heart trouble? Take magnesium.

There is always a long record of magnesium deficiency symptoms occurring before a heart attack. To stress it again, without sufficient magnesium you will die, because your heart will stop beating, and it will be called a heart attack. In America, heart attack is the number one killer (cause of death), before strokes and even cancer. When a person dies from a heart attack, never do they say, He died from a magnesium deficiency. The early signs of such terminal extinction are racing heartbeats, or any unusual change in heartbeats, angina pains and collapsing from exhaustion after heavy physical work or exercise, such as running a race or playing football or basketball. Due to lack of magnesium, the heart muscle develops a spasm or cramp and stops beating. This is because there is insufficient magnesium to relax the heart for the next contraction.


Hiccups are the result of muscle spasms of the diaphragm and will disappear on taking magnesium.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) this is the leading cause of stroke and a major cause of heart attack. Consistently high blood pressure pushes the heart to work way past its capacity. Besides the seriously elevated risk for heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure can also damage the brain, eyes and kidneys. Many people with this condition are not aware that they have it. Magnesium is needed by anyone with high blood pressure. Half of all people with magnesium deficiency suffer from high blood pressure. This explains why magnesium has proved to be so vital for this condition. Some people will need extra nutritional support, but magnesium certainly remains a key nutrient for people with high blood pressure and it will help to avoid further complications.

Hyperactivity and ADD

This condition is mostly caused by sugars and food additives. These stress the nervous system and cause it to be hyper-excitable. This also affects attention span. Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder can be dramatically corrected by eliminating refined sugar products (sodas, candy, etc) and food additives. Since sugars and food additives can potentially deplete magnesium from the body, magnesium deficiency was found to help a percentage of those suffering from these conditions. Magnesium can relax the nervous system, and reduce the hyper-excitability condition. Studies show that kids with magnesium deficiency benefited greatly with their ADD and hyperactivity.


This is one of the most common conditions today. Magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia (inability to sleep), or make you wake up with muscle spasms or cramps or feeling tense and uncomfortable. Natural Calm (magnesium powder) can go a long way in relieving this restlessness, and make many of the common sleep problems simply disappear. There are countless records on file attesting to the effectiveness of Natural Calm (magnesium powder) in relieving and resolving sleep disorders.

Irregular Heartbeat

Magnesium deficiency is the main cause of irregular heartbeat. If the heart beats more than 100 beats per minute (too fast) or less than 60 beats per minute (too slow), this is considered an irregular heartbeat. Water-soluble magnesium has been found to act quickly in normalizing and stopping irregular heartbeat. A daily intake of magnesium will act as a preventative.

Kidney Stones

Most common types of kidney stones are made of calcium and respond well to magnesium especially the water-soluble form. This form of magnesium will help to dissolve the deposits, and combined with B6 will help prevent the formation of new stones in the body.

Leg Cramps

Leg cramps are often caused by magnesium deficiency and thus supplying the magnesium will help.


Migraine headaches afflict millions of Americans. Women especially are prone to this condition. These headaches most often occur during the menstrual period, but can also happen at other times. Here again, magnesium comes to the rescue. Magnesium supplementation is key, as low magnesium levels do cause migraines or make them worse. Taking the magnesium drink can bring extended relief in many cases, although it seems that it may work even better for prevention. Consequently, maintaining proper magnesium levels on a regular basis is essential in preventing or reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. This, of course, is not limited only to menstrual migraines.

Migraine and Cluster Headaches

Magnesium supplementation was found to reduce the frequency, intensity and length of migraines or headaches in many studies. In some of them, the relief was complete. One reason for its effect is by controlling excess calcium levels, which are a source of chronic headaches for some individuals.

Muscle Function & Disorders

Muscles also need both calcium and magnesium to function. Calcium tenses the muscles; magnesium relaxes the muscles. Close your fist and clench it tight: that is calcium which permits the tensing of the muscle. Now open and relax your fist: that is magnesium which permits the relaxing of the muscle. All muscle action is that of tensing and relaxing and of gradients in between each extreme.

Therefore, tense, tight muscles tell you what? That's right, there is a magnesium deficiency. There is not enough magnesium in the system to cause the tense muscles to relax. Supply the needed magnesium and the muscle will function as it should. It will stay relaxed until it needs to function again.

Muscle spasms, muscle cramps, muscle jerks, muscle tics, eye tics and hiccups are all caused by a magnesium deficiency. Take sufficient water-soluble magnesium and they will disappear. It is not calcium that handles these difficulties, it is magnesium. Calcium is causing the difficulties.

Have you ever known anyone with tense back muscles? Probably their back was continually aching and in pain, because the tense muscles will pull the bones out of place. Handle the magnesium deficiency and the muscles will relax, the bones will go back into place and the pain will disappear.

Nervousness & Nervous System Disorders

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and become excitable and highly reactive. This causes the person to become extremely sensitive and nervous. Lights can appear to be too bright. Noises will seem excessively loud and the person will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming and will generally be on edge. Even slight noises can seem loud. Do you know someone who can't stand noise? Get them a glass of the magnesium drink and see the difference.

Nervousness is often caused only by a deficiency of magnesium. Handle the deficiency and in many cases the nervousness will disappear.


Osteoporosis is a condition marked by severely reduced density of the bones. It affects mostly women. The bones become fragile and break down more easily than they develop. Osteoporosis is not a problem of getting insufficient calcium but of losing the calcium you have. Unquestionably, magnesium is far more important than calcium in preventing osteoporosis. It is magnesium which prevents calcium from being excreted, and helps its utilization by the body. Calcium would be entirely useless without sufficient magnesium. The colossal consumption of dietary and supplemental calcium has not reduced the rising incidence of osteoporosis in this country, regardless of the huge calcium campaign. A recent survey revealed that milk drinkers were found to have more bone fragility and not as otherwise promoted. Maintaining normal hormonal levels (such as with a natural progesterone cream) and the avoidance of sugars, soft drinks, caffeine and smoking are also vital in preventing osteoporosis. Magnesium helps prevent bone loss, and preserve the existing calcium. It is essential for high bone density and the prevention of osteoporosis.

Physical Exhaustion

The person who collapses from physical exhaustion after a day of hard, continuous physical work has a magnesium deficiency. Of course, he or she may have other deficiencies as well.

What about the person who collapses at the end of a race: he crosses the finish line and falls down? Well, what caused that to occur? Right, it was a magnesium deficiency. Do you see how simple it is?

Does it work? Try it for yourself. Why not handle the magnesium deficiency before it happens and keep the heart beating? It's not complicated. It's simple.


PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is largely a magnesium deficiency. Instant relief can be obtained by taking the magnesium drink. Too much calcium and not enough magnesium cause PMS. These result in premature aging brought about by the calcification of the female body parts. Taking magnesium in a water-soluble form will totally reverse this condition. The magnesium in water will gradually dissolve the solidified calcium and help to assimilate it or to expel it from the body if the calcium is not needed. Vitamin B6 (the active form) is also recommended for PMS.

Pregnancy-related Symptoms

Contractions occurring too early in pregnancy, weeks or months before the due date, are caused by a magnesium deficiency and the presence of too much calcium. Taking the water-soluble magnesium will relax the muscles and stop the contractions, and the pregnancy will continue as normal until the due date. If the mother is deficient in magnesium, the baby will be deficient as well. This can be dangerous for the baby, and even fatal. A magnesium deficiency in infants can cause crib deaths or SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The heart stops beating. Why? The answer is too much calcium, not enough magnesium. So make sure both mother and baby are on water-soluble magnesium.

Premature Aging

By reversing calcification of body organs, magnesium is capable of slowing down aging, thereby making you feel younger. Magnesium will not only correct PMS and prevent accelerated aging, it could also energize you and make you lose weight; both are natural signs of younger age. When magnesium is lacking, the entire body can become calcified. This is aging. It all starts with the individual cell. First the cell ages; this leads to organ aging, and this, in turn, leads to aging of the entire body.

The calcification process starts slowly and innocently, and gradually builds up over the decades. Practically no soft tissue in your body is immune to calcification, including your various glands. This process can begin in childhood, and sadly, in many cases, children start to display too high cellular calcium levels. For a lot of people, a high calcium diet combined with low magnesium amounts to "cellular suicide."

So, make sure you take enough magnesium to maintain proper levels in the body and avoid any potential imbalance or danger from calcium dominance.


Giving injections of magnesium sulfate to expectant mothers who have preeclampsia can halve their risk of seizures and save their lives.

Magnesium deficiency in mice causes and increases audiogenic seizures. This effect was reversed by oral administration of magnesium acetyltaurinate (ATaMg), magnesium pyrrolidone-2-carboxylate (PCMH), MgCl2. The results suggest that audiogenic seizures in magnesium-deficient mice form a model of magnesium depletion.(Dr. Jean Durlach)

Hypomagnesemia (hypoMg) produce CNS and PNS irritability with seizures and tetany, respectively, being the major clinical manifestations.


Senility calcification of the brain tissues will cause senility. Alzheimer's disease is also a symptom of brain calcification. Water-soluble magnesium will be an essential supplement in both cases.


Natural Calm (magnesium powder) is a true breakthrough in the field of sleep and relaxation. It greatly exceeds the common traditional supplements such as melatonin, calcium etc. It produces, in fact, results, which are more consistent than any sleep supplement we have seen around. The secret of Natural Calm (magnesium powder) is in its successful resolution of the MOST (and unanticipated) mineral deficiency related to sleep disorders - Magnesium.

The most surprising fact of all was that most of those consuming magnesium supplements were STILL found magnesium deficient, which fully explained their ever-persisting sleep difficulties. The use of usual sleep supplements did NOT seem to handle the deficiency in magnesium. To add to the mystery, one can use magnesium supplements for years and STILL be deficient in magnesium, and STILL experience sleep difficulties (amongst many other symptoms), wondering why nothing else seems to work!

Too much dietary calcium will create a magnesium deficiency which is one of the reasons.

Environmental stresses which deplete magnesium reserves & increase the need for dietary magnesium are another reason.


Magnesium and stress are closely linked. Stress depletes magnesium; magnesium counteracts stress. When magnesium levels are low, the nervous system gets out of balance and the muscles grow tight. This can also lead to elevated mental stress. At the same time, any stress, whether mental or physical, will deplete magnesium. Magnesium gained its name as nature's anti-stress mineral due to its helpfulness in combating internal stress and in the restoration of inner balance.

As expected, stress conditions involve extra nutrients and support, and require as well a good-quality protein, the avoidance of sugar, and of course focusing on diversionary activities, and should include addressing any mental factors that may be underlying the stress.

The Explanation?

1. Too much dietary calcium will create a magnesium deficiency and
2. The amount factor.

The Solution

In countless tests undertaken, Natural Calm (magnesium powder) drink was found to help sleep problems where NOTHING ELSE seemed to work before (including melatonin, valerian and many other sleep supplements including regular magnesium supplements).

This page was first uploaded to The Magnesium Web Site on November 23, 2002