Healthy Water Association Arab Healthy Water Association Flags of Arabic countries with representatives in AHWA

Arab Healthy Water Association

For future generations, one drop of water at a time...

Affiliate-member of HWA

The Arab Healthy Water Association is a non-governmental, non-profit body,
legally registered at the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) by decree No. 6086/2005, Cairo-Egypt.


AHWA Home Page Mission Statement Objectives

Members of AHWA

AHWA Executive Board AHWA Environmental Health Advisor AHWA Legal Advisor AHWA Cultural Advisor AHWA Advisory Panel 2006 AHWA Abroad Advisors AHWA Membership Roster AHWA Experts Consultancy

Why Should Drinking Water
Contain Magnesium?

image Featured Editorial, Life Extension Magnesium Deficiency Magnesium Links Lack Energy? Maybe it's Your Magnesium Level AHWA Mg Committee The Magnesium Web Site

Water-related Links

Water Links Water Conferences Putting the Puzzle Together Letter from WHO Water Supply Solution in Antodaya image Healthy Water Association--USA image Water, Health & Environment (WHE) image
image MASAR image Arab Water Council image Egyptian Water Partnership image Arab Water World (AWW) European Public Health Alliance European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) image Institute of Adv. Studies on Sustainability image  Water World, Water & Wastewater Mags image Water Sciences and Technology Assoc.image Fulbright Academy Newsletters image UNESCO image ICS-UNIDO image Intl. Development Res. Centre (IDRC) image Palestinian Hydrology Group image Egyptian Law Office & Marine Counsels image SDA Engineering Consultants image Saudi German Hospitals Group image Water & Environmental Studies Institute image National Center for Diabetes World Council of Nuclear Workers World Council of Nuclear Workers General Authority for Investment & Free Zones Gen'l Authority Investment & Free Zones ELREEF AL-AUROPE ELREEF AL-AUROPE Arab Academy of Sciences Arab Academy of Sciences Natal Egyptian Hieroglyphs Ossama Alsaadawi, Egyptian Hieroglyphs The Big 4 ICAT for organizing exhibitions ZENON Environmental Inc. ZENON Environmental Inc. Arab World Academy of Young Scientists Arab World Academy of Young Scientists ASHOKA ASHOKA BottledWaterWeb BottledWaterWeb German-Arabian Society for Environmental Studies German-Arabian Soc. for Env. Studies Environment Now Environment Now

AHWA Observer

AL JINAN Medical Centre

Hani Home

Hani's paintings The paintings of Dr. Hani Daas

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Global News Coverage

[ UN Wire: Daily Global News Summary ]

Email from the Fulbright Academy

From: "Eric Howard"
Subject: Note to FAST Friends&Supporters
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 16:43:24 -0400

Dear Fulbright Academy Friends and Supporters,

The year is more than half over, so we decided this was a good time to give you an update on the Academy affairs.

Because you have expressed interest in the Academy in the past, we also are using this note as an opportunity to ask you to formally join the Fulbright Academy as a member or sponsor by making a donation to Academy. We have had an excellent response from our newsletters and mailings, and we hope that you will soon be joining. Information on making a donation can be found on our website:


**** How can you help us? ****

Here is what some other members have done:

We are excited about the future prospects and thank you for your continued interest and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to call either of us.


David Nothmann, President of the Board of Directors
  Trait Licensing Manager, Monsanto Company, St. Louis

Eric Howard, Secretary of the Board of Directors
  Business&Non-profit Management Consulting, South Portland, Maine

Fulbright Academy of Science&Technology
PO Box 284, Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107-0284
Tel: 207-767-8073 Fax: 207-767-4306
Toll-free: 866-F-BRIGHT (866-327-4448)

"Science has radically changed the conditions of human life on earth. It has expanded our knowledge and our power, but not our capacity to use them with wisdom."

      Senator J. William Fulbright, Old Myths and New Realities (1964)

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Web page by Ray Tackaberry, USA  magnesium symbol