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Mg Deficiency in the Pathogenesis
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WOMAN'S WORLD 12/31/02, page 14

Discovered: the water cure for fatigue, headaches, PMS and more!

Looking for more energy, better sleep, proven pain relief and more?
Just switch what you sip!

Supermarkets are stocked with bottled waters--you can get sparkling, still, spring, distilled, flavored. On some websites, you can even buy "holy" spring water that's been blessed by a priest! But if you're looking for more energy fewer aches and pains and even a longer life, experts say you should choose mineral water.

"Mineral waters naturally contain elements that we need to look and feel our best," says holistic physician Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., author of The Miracle of Magnesium. One of the most important: magnesium. Most of us don't get our daily value of it, but if you start drinking magnesium-rich mineral water today, doctors say you could:

Improve your sleep and increase energy

"Restless sleep and insomnia are common symptoms of magnesium deficiency" says Dr. Dean, "because you need magnesium in order to relax your muscles and nervous system, and produce the sleep-triggering hormone melatonin." Add it to your diet, and experts say you'll be sleeping better within weeks.

Of course, that'll naturally give you more energy, but magnesium also banishes daytime fatigue by increasing the amount of energy each of your body cells can produce and store. In fact, studies show getting 300 mg. of magnesium daily can reverse even chronic fatigue in just two days!

And mineral water "allows your body to absorb it right away," says Dawn Jackson, R.D., of the American Dietetic Association, unlike supplements and food sources.

Prevent migraines, PMS and other aches and pains

About 28 million of us regularly struggle with migraines-and eight in 10 battle PMS, menstrual cramps, breast pain or other miseries every month. But up to half of these pain-plagued people could be magnesium deficient!

The good news: research at Duke University shows getting just 200 mg. of magnesium daily slashes migraine attacks by 80%. Make it 400 mg., and studies show you'll dodge PMS and menstrual cramps, too-plus reduce premenstrual breast pain by 95%!

Make your heart and bones healthier

Research shows that magnesium deficiencies in crease the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. "Magnesium relaxes blood vessels, preventing high blood pressure and heart attacks as well as the buildup of artery-clogging plaque," explains Dr Dean. And other research suggests "magnesium stimulates parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, two hormones that prevent bone thinning," says Dr. Dean. "Getting 320 mg. of magnesium daily could prevent osteoporosis altogether."

-Caitlin Castro

How to get your magnesium

Mineral waters vary in magnesium content, but here are the richest sources and their mineral content per liter:

Adobe Springs 110 mg.
Santa Ynez 87 mg.
San Pellegrino 57 mg.
Vittel 38 mg.
Evian 24 mg.

If you can't get these brands, 'Try taking 350 mg. of magnesium daily in a supplement," says Dr. Dean. Beans, bran, oatmeal, raisins and nuts are all good sources of the mineral, too.

This page was first uploaded to The Magnesium Web Site on January 12, 2003